Jesus Christ
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father.
We believe that He was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary; suffered an excruciating Passion; gave up His Spirit and died.
We believe that Jesus’ Resurrection was complete in body and Spirit; He Ascended to the Right Hand of God in Heaven and sent His Spirit to be our constant Advocate.
We believe that on the night of His Last Supper, the Lord instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice and Ministerial Priesthood, inseparably linking them one to another for ever.
We believe that He is truly present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is: “the Foundation Head and Supreme Pastor and Bishop of the Church. It is from Jesus Christ, Himself, from Whom all Bishops and Pastors derive their spiritual powers and jurisdiction” (Catechism of Christian Doctrine, p.10)
One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
An Independent Benedictine Community United in Faith
As an autocephalous (self-governing) order, the Oblates of the Holy Passion operate independently from Vatican governance. However, our bonds of faith remain strong.
In the Benedictine tradition, we uphold Church unity through prayer:
- Oblates share a special connection to Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome.
- We pray fervently for the Patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem.
- Our apostolic succession includes both Western and Eastern lineages.
- At every Mass, we honor all Patriarchs of the ancient, undivided Church.
Though autonomous, our mission is to mend schisms and renew the Church through contemplative spirituality. We strive to live the monastic calling while celebrating shared traditions.
Join us in building bridges through prayerful devotion, not barriers of politics. The Kingdom of God awaits!
The Deposit of Faith
Councils and Creed
It was at the First Council of Nicaea that a first attempt to codify a summary or statement of faith was made. By 381, at the First Council of Constantinople, the church fathers discerned and approved a more complete statement that aligned with the fullness of Christian belief. The Oblates of the Holy Passion, alongside most Christians, hold the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed to be a full and complete statement of faith. As Oblates of the Holy Passion, the filioque clause [and the Son] is not dogmatically binding, and individuals are encouraged to discern in their heart and conscience what they believe on this matter.