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Welcome, Friends!

We are thrilled you visited our website to learn more about our inclusive Catholic order. Founded on Benedictine traditions and welcoming all of God’s diverse creation, we strive to authentically live the ancient faith in today’s world.

Please explore our site to discover how our loving community witnesses Christ through contemplative spirituality, compassionate service, and progressive ministry. Read our monthly updates to connect with members’ projects, prayer intentions, and events.

We hope our Order resonates with you! Share your thoughts and invite others who seek an open-hearted spiritual home. Let us walk together as kindred pilgrims.

With humble prayers for you, I’m honored to continue this journey of faith. Our doors – and hearts – remain open. Reach out anytime.

May God bless you always,

Your Servant in Christ,

+André Marie of the Holy Cross, OSP

Prayer Intentions – July 2024

Pope Francis’ Intention

For the Pastoral Care of the Sick

We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.

For the Sick and Dying

For those battling cancer, and with terminal illnesses.

For sick children everywhere.

For those who are victims of human trafficking.

For those who have survived war.

For sick and dying priests and religious.

For the Dead

+ All Souls Lost to Gun Violence +

+ The Innocent Victims of War +

For Special Intentions

For newly consecrated Bishop Taylor Tracy, SCR, new Titular Bishop of Avondale. May the Holy Spirit bless and inspire him as he leads the Society of Christ the King.

For a continued increase in vocations to the religious life and priesthood within the OSP.

For peace amongst nations, particularly in Russia/ Ukraine and Israel/ Palestine. May this peace we seek begin with peace in our hearts.

To make reparation for the unreconciled sins of clergy against the laity.

For all who have lost their faith in God; for those who are contemplating returning, or coming to know God for the first time.

Share Your Prayer Requests with Our Caring Community

Looking for spiritual support during challenging times? Join our prayer community to experience the power of daily petitions.

Oblates make prayer a priority. Our brothers uplift requests for healing, grieving, life transitions, and all intentions.

Submit Your Prayer Needs Online!

Click below to add your prayer to our daily list for the next 60 days. We welcome prayers for health, family, relationships, work, and unique situations you face.

Experience the Blessings of Daily Prayers

The act of praying together creates connection. By sharing your deepest needs, you can find comfort knowing others walk alongside you. Our community considers prayer requests an honor and privilege.

Don’t carry heavy burdens alone. Let us support you through prayer and give your spirit rest. With open hearts, we look forward to lifting you up.

Support Our Ministries

The Oblates of the Holy Passion are recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) Public Charity. This means we are a tax-exempt, nonprofit religious organization funded by public donations. Your contributions to support our ministries of prayer and service are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. As a public charity, we depend on generous donors like you to sustain our mission. Please consider partnering with us to make a transformational impact.

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